When you want to contact a patient immediately you can use Ava's "Send Now" feature.
Click on the patient's name and select "Send Now."
This will bring up a communication window for that patient. From here, you can send a text, email, log a call, or add notes.
Click on the gray circle to the left of the text box to choose the next action you would like to take.
Once you have chosen the action, if the patient is a child, choose which responsible party you would like to reach out to. If you would like to reach out directly to the patient, leave the responsible party drop-down untouched.
There is also a drop-down menu to the right of the text box for choosing a team member you want the communication to come from. Make sure that your name is selected before sending the message.
The last step is to type out your message, then press send! All of the communication history and notes will be visible below in the same window.